Ohio Civil War Books in Print Page 1
compiled by Larry Stevens
Movements and Positions in the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain:
The Memoir of Colonel James T. Holmes, 52d Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Edited by Garth D. Bishop. With an introduction and annotations by Mark A. Smith. softcover (6 x 9), ca. 15 photos, appendix, index. Published here for the first time, the Civil War combat memoir of Col. James Taylor Holmes of the 52nd Ohio Volunteers presents a richly detailed first-hand account of the June 1864 Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Written in 1915, Holmes’ insightful narrative, with original hand-drawn diagrams, differs on key points from the accepted scholarship on troop movements and positions at Kennesaw, and questions the legitimacy of a battlefield monument. An extensive introduction and annotations by historian Mark A. Smith provide a brief yet comprehensive overview of the battle and places Holmes’ document in historical context. Garth D. Bishop is the great grandson of Col. James Taylor Holmes. He lives in Hopewell Junction, New York. Mark A. Smith is a professor at Fort Valley State University in Georgia. Accepting orders now with shipment in the fall of 2018. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. Jefferson. NC. 2018
Alfred E. Lee's Civil War. On Campaign with the Armies of the Potomac and the Cumberland
Captain Alfred E. Lee 82nd OVI. Edited by Daniel A. Masters. Alfred Emory Lee, an aspiring attorney recently graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, resolved to do his part to restore the Union. Lee enlisted in Co. I of the 82nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry in November 1861 and so begins this incredible journey through the Civil War. 280 pgs. Paperback. Columbian Arsenal Press. Lulu. 2018
Bull Run to Atlanta: The Civil War Letters of Harry Comer, Company A, 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
by Pvt. Harry Comer. Edited by Daniel A. Masters. 156 pgs. Hardbound, paperback and eBook. Maps, photos. Columbian Arsenal Press. Lulu. 2017.
Sherman’s Praetorian Guard: Civil War Letters of John McIntyre Lemmon, 72nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
by Captain John McIntyre Lemmon. Edited by Daniel A. Masters. 256 pgs. Paperback. Columbian Arsenal Press. Lulu. 2017
O Generous Southern Hospitality. Franklin Case. Co. H. 2nd O.V.C.
By John P. Gurnish. 148 pgs. Paperback and hardcover. Lulu. Raleigh. N.C. 2014. History of Franklin S. Case, officer in the 2nd Ohio Cavalry during the Civil War. Surviving five different Confederate prisons with excerpts from his diary. Lulu
The Bull Brothers' Civil War: From Ohio's Little Muskingum Valley through Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolinas
by Robert Edward Swisher. 73 pgs. Robert Swisher. Richmond. Va. 2013. The story of brothers Reason, Will and Perry Bull who served in the 92nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Based primarily on National Archives military and pension records, and Whitelaw Reid's Ohio in the Civil War. The book is $7.50 postage included and must be made payable to: Robert E. Swisher, 4101 Crestwood Road, Richmond, VA, 23227. email: BobSwisRic@aol.com
A Soldier of the Cross and Country - The 1864 Civil War Diary of William C. Holliday, Chaplain, 90th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
William C. Holliday. Edited by Andy Thress. 101 pgs. Paperback. The History Road Project. Columbus. Ohio. 2013. The History Road Project
Fractured Paths of Duty: The Civil War Letters of Surgeon J. Dexter Cotton & Adjutant George B. Turner, 92nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Edited with an Introduction by Richard A. Baumgartner. 512 pgs. Hardcover. Photographs, illustrations, maps, notes, bibliography and index. Blue Acorn Press. Huntington. WV. 2013. Blue Acorn Press
Letters from the Civil War. Paulding County, Ohio. 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Compiled by Kim Freshwater Sutton. A collection of letters written to the local newspaper, The Paulding Independent, describing the journey of the Paulding County boys in the Civil War. 14th OVI - 3 months service. 102 pgs. Paperback. Paulding County Carnegie Library. Paulding. Ohio. 2012. Paulding County Carnegie Library
The Untried Life. The Twenty-Ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
by James T. Fritch. 512 pgs. Paperback. Ohio University Press - Swallow Press. Athens. Ohio. September 30, 2012. The "Untried Life" shows how the common soldier lived — his entertainments, methods of cooking, medical treatment, and struggle to maintain family connections — and separates the facts from the mythology created in the decades after the war. Amazon
Civil War Dynasty: The Ewing Family of Ohio
Coming on Dec. 24, 2012. by Kenneth J. Heineman. 384 pgs. Hardcover. NYU Press. New York. NY. 2012. For years the Ewing family of Ohio has been lost in the historical shadow cast by their in-law, General William T. Sherman. It was the Ewing family who raised Sherman, got him into West Point, and provided him with the financial resources and political connections to succeed in war. The patriarch, Thomas Ewing, counseled presidents and clashed with radical abolitionists and southern secessionists leading to the Civil War. Three Ewing sons became Union generals, served with distinction at Antietam and Vicksburg, marched through Georgia, and fought guerillas in Missouri. Amazon
Civil War Diaries and Selected Letters of Robert Newton Gorsuch
Robert Newton Gorsuch. Co. B. 16th OVI. by Everett Gorsuch Smith. 306 pgs. Hardbound and Paperback. Lulu. Raleigh. N.C. 2012. Lulu
The Boys of Company K: Ohio Cavalry Soldiers in the West During the Civil War
by Lee M. Cullimore. Stories of the ordinary soldiers of the Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Company K, as they experienced boredom, violence, extremes in weather, lack of training and supplies, and loneliness. 336 pgs. Paperback. High Plains Press. Glendo. Wyoming. 2012. High Plains Press
War Behind The Lines: The Civil War History Of The 115th Ohio Infantry Regiment 1862-1865
By Rexford G. Wiggers. 340 pgs. Paperback and Hardcover. Dog Ear Publishing. Indianapolis. IN. 2012. Web Page
Battery H First Ohio Light Artillery
By Edward C. Browne, Jr. 379 pgs. Paperback. Lulu. Raleigh. N.C. 2012
Captain Hiram Chance, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1837-1863): Transcription of Civil War Pension Records From National Archives.
compiled by Brett Dicken Brown. Includes three letters from Chance to his parents dated 1861. 31 pgs. Spiral-bound. Brett D. Brown. NP. 2012 Amazon
Crook's Regulars: The 36th Ohio in the War of Rebellion
by Kenneth P. Werrell. Reveals the lot of the soldier and unit, but puts their story into the larger context of the war. It also explores a number of elements that thus far have been neglected, such as desertion, discipline, problems with officers, shooting of prisoners, and wanton destruction. 330 pgs. Paperback. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. An Amazon.com Company. 2012. Amazon
Soldier of the Union
by Ken Hechler. Through the period letters of his ancestors, George and John Hechler, Mr. Hechler gives a vivid account of the 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War and the trials and tribulations of the two men. 253 pgs. 35 photos. Paperback. Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, Inc. Missoula. MT. 2011
A Good and Holy Cause. A History of the 29th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry
by Jim Booth. 207 pgs. 48Hrbooks. Akron. Ohio. 2011
The Bully Boys: In Camp and Combat with the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 1861-1864
Compiled & Edited by Richard A. Baumgartner. The first book-length work ever published on this distinguished regiment, The Bully Boys addresses the 2nd Ohio's previous omission from Civil War literature. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6 x 9 format, 549 pages, illustrated, appendix, notes, bibliography & index. Blue Acorn Press. Huntington. WV. 2011
Joseph Patton & Cornelius Gardener: Two Men, Three Wars
by Patton Gardenier Galloway. 90 pgs. Paperback. lulu.com Raleigh. N.C. 2011. Joseph T. Patton. Captain Co. A. 93d. Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. I have published a biography of my great-grandfather, Joseph Patton, 93rd Ohio. He enlisted in 1861 as a 16-year-old farmboy and fought until the end of the war, despite being wounded three times, and rose to the rank of Captain. The book includes a biography of his son-in-law, Colonel Cornelius Gardener, whose 40 years in the army included 20 years fighting in the Plains Wars, Cuba, and the Philippine Insurrection. Available on amazon.com
Duty Well Performed: The Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
By Bradley Quinlin and Joshua Haugh. 222 pages, photos, maps, notes, bibliography, index. The Little Miami Publishing Company. Milford. Ohio. 2011
Baptism of Fire: The 44th Missouri, 175th Ohio and 183rd Ohio at the Battle of Franklin
By Eric A. Jacobson and Richard A. Rupp. 628 pgs. O'More Publishing. Franklin. Tennessee. 2011. O'More
As Near Hell As I Ever Expect To Be.: The Civil War letters of Lieutenant John V. Patterson of the 21st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Edited with Commentary by Paul G. Tremewan. 248 pgs. Hardbound & Softbound. Xlibris Corp. Bloomington. Indiana. 2011. Amazon
Shall Licking County Raise a Regiment?: The Role of Licking County, Ohio, in the American Civil War
Compiled and edited by Dan Fleming. 166 pgs. Licking County Library. Newark. Ohio. 2011. This book is a compilation of the weekly articles that were done by local authors and have appeared in the Newark Advocate in 2011, along with added photographs and other information that was not included with the original articles. Amazon
Corporal James Pike: General Sherman's Great Scout
Edited by Nancy Pape-Findley. 240 pgs. Blood Road Publishing. Tecumseh. Michigan. 2011. Incorporates Pike's 1865 book and National Tribune accounts. 4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Blood Road Publishing. 805 Blood Road. Tecumseh. Michigan. 49286
The Story of a Thousand. A History of the 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
by Albion W. Tourgee. 536 pgs. Cloth. Kent State University Press. Kent. Ohio. 2011. Historian Peter Luebke provides in this reprint a index and scholarly introduction. Also included are famed illustrator Frederic Remington’s engravings, which accompanied the book’s excerpts appearing in The Cosmopolitan magazine in 1894 and 1895. Kent State
Fantastic Shadows Upon the Ground: The Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
by Greg Fugitt. Paper. 415 pgs. photos. maps. appendix. bibliography. index. Little Miami Publishing Co. Milford. Ohio. 2011
George Crook: From the Redwoods to Appomattox
by Paul Magid. 408 pgs. Hardcover. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. Oklahoma. 2011
To Crown Myself With Honor: The Wartime Letters of Captain Asbury Gatch, 9th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Revised Edition
edited by Gary L. Knepp. 182 pgs. photos, illustrations, notes, appendix, bibliography, index. Little Miami Publishing. Milford. Ohio. 2011
The Men of Battery H: An Enhanced Roster of Battery H First Ohio Light Artillery
By Jerry Devol, Edward C. Browne, Jr. and Kathleen Jones. Hardcover. 396 pgs. Lulu. Raleigh. N.C. 2011
David Frakes Day, Civil War Hero and Notorious Frontier Newspaperman
David F. Day. Co. D. 57th OVI. by Michael David Kaplan. 296 pgs. Paperback. McFarland. Jefferson. NC. 2011
The Buckeye Vanguard: The Forty-ninth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry
by Richard F. Mann. Edited by Mark Holbrook. 322 pgs. Hardcover with dust jacket, photos, illustrations, notes, appendices, complete roster. Little Miami Publishing Co. Milford. Ohio. 2010
Redemption: The 71st Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
by Martin Stewart. 356 pgs. Martin Stewart. Troy. Ohio. Prepress services Cam-Tech Publishing. Fletcher. Ohio. 2010. Purchase from author. 2210 LeFevre Road. Troy. Ohio. 45373
The 26th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry: The Groundhog Regiment
By Jeffrey A. Hill - Foreward by John Thompson. 775 pgs. Softbound. Authorhouse. Bloomington. Indiana. 2010. May be ordered from Authors web page http://26thohioinfantry.com/ or Amazon.com
The Cincinnati Germans in the Civil War by Gustav Tafel: Translated and Edited with Supplements on the Germans from Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana in the Civil War
By Don Heinrich Tolzmann - Edited by Don Heinrich Tolzmann. 198 pages. Paper; xii, 6 x 9; photos; illustrations; notes; index. Little Miami Publishing Co. Milford. Ohio. 2010
At Death's Door. A Yankee Soldier's Story of Survival in Confederate Captivity
by Jasper Newton Hall. Sgt. Co E. 113th OVI. Edited by Richard A. Baumgartner. ? pgs. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6 X 9 format, photographs, notes, bibliography and index. Blue Acorn Press. Huntington. West Virginia. 2010
A German Hurrah! Civil War Letters of Friedrich Bertsch and Wilhelm Stängel
Letters from the 9th OVI. Ohio's first German regiment. Translated and edited by Joseph R. Reinhart. 416 pgs. Hardbound. Kent State University Press. Kent. Ohio. 2010
No Greater Glory. The 144th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
By Daniel Masters. 196 pgs. Paperback. Lulu Enterprises Inc. Raleigh. N.C. 2010
The Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry: A Story of Citizen Soldiers, Civil War Politics and Southwest Ohio
by Timothy M. Burke. 277 pgs. paperback. Lulu. Raleigh. N.C. 2010
Do They Miss Me at Home?: The Civil War Letters of William McKnight, Seventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
William McKnight. 7th OVC. 1832-1864. Editors Donald C. Maness and H. Jason Combs. 320 pgs. Hardcover. Ohio University Press. Athens. Ohio. 2010
Patrick Connor's War. The 1865 Powder River Indian Expedition
by David E. Wagner. 296 pgs. 24 illustrations. Hardcover. The Arthur H. Clark Company. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. Oklahoma. 2010. A fine book with a number of references to the 11th OVC. per Steve Ward
Kelleys Island 1862-1865. The Civil War, the Island Soldiers, & the Island Queen
by Leslie Korenko. 420 pgs. Kelleys Island. Ohio. 2010. Order from the Author
Kelleys Island 1810-1861 - The courageous, poignant & often quirky lives of island pioneers
by Leslie Korenko. 328 pgs. Kelleys Island. Ohio. 2009. Order from the Author
Company C New Bremen and the Civil War
by Mark Bernstein. Concerns the 37th OVI. ? pgs. Hardcover. New Bremen Historic Association. New Bremen. Ohio. 2009
Battery H, First Ohio Light Artillery: The James Barnett Papers; General James Barnett, Captain James Huntington, and Second Lieutenant William Parmellee Jr.
by Edward C. Browne Jr. 202 pgs. Paperback. Little Miami Publishing Company. Milford. Ohio. 2009
William James Smith's Memoirs of the Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Company M.
Edited by Robert W. Hatton. 92pgs. Paperback, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Little Miami Publishing Company. Milford. Ohio. 2009
Civil War Campsites in Ohio 1861 - 1865
77 military campsites were established throughout the state. For a few, the campsites were only in existence a day or two. For others, the camps were in existence for a month or more; enough time to train and equip the troops for field duty. 1 DVD diskette. 227 pages. 90+ photos, maps, drawings. By Harold George. 2009. Order from the Author
ANDREWS' RAIDERS - "Twenty-Four Men from Ohio"
In 1862, 24 Ohioans volunteered to participate in a secret mission. It became known as, The Great Locomotive Chase. The Ohio volunteers became known as, Andrews' Raiders. A history of the raid is discussed; interactive maps display the locomotive chase in detail; the aftermath of the raid; and biographies and photographs of the Raiders who are buried in Ohio. 1 DVD Diskette. 90 Pages + 50 Drawings, Maps and Photographs. By Harold George. 2009. Order from the Author
Heroes of the Western Theater. Thirty-Third Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry
by Lois J. Lambert. 559 pgs. Little Miami Publishing Co. Milford. Ohio. 2008
Ohio and the American Civil War
Disks 1 - 2. History of the civil war monuments in Ohio. Disk 3. Identification of the seventy-seven civil war campsites that were established in Ohio. Disk 4. Abraham Lincoln's train visit to Ohio in 1861 and 1865 are addressed. Disk 5. In 1862, 24 Ohioans volunteered to participate in a secret mission known as, The Great Locomotive Chase. These volunteers became known as, Andrews' Raiders. A history of the raid is discussed. 5 DVD Diskettes. By Harold George. 2008. Order from the Author
Blood, Tears, and Glory: How Ohioans Won the Civil War
by James H. Bissland. 588 pages. Hard and Softcover. Orange Frazer Press. Wilmington. Ohio. 2007. Info and order from Orange Frazer Press
Another Day in Lincoln's Army: The Civil War Journals of Sgt. John T. Booth
by Marie Mollohan. 721 pages. Hard and Softcover. iUniverse Inc. 2007
Narratives of the 57th O.V.V.I.
Compiled by Robert Van Dorn. Graphic Editor David P. Heiser. 183 pgs. Published by compiler. Findlay. Ohio. 2006
The Man Who Carried A Drum: 108 War Letters and Love Letters of a Civil War Medic
by Harvey Amasa Chapman. 121st OVI. Transcription and Commentary by David Wesley Chapman. 271 pgs. Paperback. iUniverse Inc. Bloomington. Indiana. 2006
The Civil War Diary of Josiah D. Smith 1861-1865 Federal Army Company G, 66th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Josiah D. Smith. Wraps. 216 pp. Ports. illus. Randolph County Historical Society. Winchester. Indiana. 2006
The Long Road Home: Ten Thousand Miles Through the Confederacy with the 68th Ohio
By Myron B. Loop. Edited by Richard A. Baumgartner. Myron Loop belonged to the 68th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a veteran 17th Corps organization that saw nearly four years' service during the Civil War. Observant and steadfast in keeping a daily wartime diary, Loop relied on it heavily to compose a memoir that was serialized in 21 issues of The National Tribune. The regiment saw service at Fort Donelson, Hatchie River, Raymond, Champion Hill, Vicksburg, Atlanta campaign, March to the Sea, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Because an "official" 68th Ohio regimental history never appeared in print, The Long Road Home doubles as a useful substitute. Richard A. Baumgartner has supplemented Loop's narrative with letter and diary excerpts written by 40 other 68th Ohio officers and enlisted men, and added 22 photographs and engravings. Hardcover with dust jacket, acid-free paper, 240 pages. Order from Blue Acorn Press
The Fighting McCooks. America's Famous Fighting Family
By Charles and Barbara Whalen. During the Civil War, the legendary Fighting McCooks were familiar to most Americans. Time and the tempestuous twentieth century swept Ohio's famous fighting family into a twilight of obscurity. Now the true story of this remarkable Scotch-Irish family is finally seeing the bright light of day. The McCooks gave seventeen men in the fight to save the Union. Four lost their lives. The Family provided three major generals, three brigadier generals, one naval lieutenant, four surgeons, two colonels, one major, one lieutenant, one private, and one chaplain. The McCooks are followed across forty-six battlefields, in eleven states, across land and sea. Their lives are intimately intertwined with the most famous, and infamous, men of the time, including President Lincoln, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and General Ulysses S. Grant. 421 pgs. Bib., Index. Order from Westmoreland Press
8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry:
Gibraltar Brigade. Army of the Potomac
By Franklin Sawyer. Sawyer's history of the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry was written at the urging of fellow regimental members, and a decade's preparation resulted in the final work, which provides a wealth of detail concerning the regiment's service with the Army of the Potomac. This enhanced Blue Acorn Press reprint is supplemented with several appendices not found in the very rare, original 1881 edition, as well as 30 photographs and portraits of 8th Ohio personnel and their leaders. Hardcover with dust jacket, 290 pages with 30 additional pages of photographs, four appendices, regimental rosters. Order from Blue Acorn Press
It Don't Look Right for the Times: The Factual History of the Holmes County Rebellion
By Patrick J. Drouhard. In June, 1863, Governor David Tod sent over 400 troops and one section of artillery to the village of Glenmont (then called Napoleon), Holmes County, to quell an alleged rebellion against the government's Conscription Act of 1863. It was believed that 700 - 1000 men had gathered to prevent its enforcement. Similar activities were occuring in neighboring Coshocton and Knox counties. Pat Drouhard uses primary resources to provide an accurate account of this "rebellion," locally known as Ft. Fizzle. The names of over 80 men indicted for activities in these incidents are included. 39 pgs. $5.00 per copy which includes mailing costs. Order from the Author
Civil War Monuments of Ohio
By Harold George. This book tells the history of the Civil War monuments in Ohio. Why were they built and who built them? What did they cost and what materials were used? These questions are answered in this publication. Giving examples of the twelve types of monuments that were erected, the book also includes a "then and now" photograph section. Also in the book is a table that lists the exact location of every civil war monument in Ohio. There are more than 260 of them in Ohio. The book is full color, format 8 1/2" x 11", 88 pages, hardbound. Over 100 full color photographs are included in the book. Also available in CD format. $10.00, plus $3.00 for shipping & handling. Order from the Author
The Ninety-First Ohio Volunteer Infantry: With the Civil War Letters of Lt. Col. Benjamin Franklin Coates and an Annotated Roster of the Men of Company C
By Lois J. Lambert. This regimental history covers the activities and engagements of the Ninety-first OVI from its organization in July 1862 until the end of the war. Most of the troops were recruited from the counties of Adams, Scioto, Lawrence, Gallia, Jackson, and Pike. Through the letters of Adams County, Ohio, native, Lt. Col. Benjamin Franklin Coates, the author brings to life and chronicles the day-to-day events of the movement of this Southern Ohio regiment. Ms. Lambert also provides a summary of the lives of the men of Company C-an effort of great genealogical value. Seventy-four percent of the men in this company were born somewhere in Ohio. Others listed their places of birth as Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, Vermont, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana, as well as Germany, England, Ireland, and France. Hardcover w/dust jacket; 6 x 9 inches; xii, 205 pp; photos, illustrations; sources; index Order from Little Miami Publishing Co.
The History of the 6th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, 1861-1865: A Journal of Patriotism, Duty and Bravery
By Richard J. Staats. Readers are invited to take a ride with the Sixth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; to relive the thrilling action, disappointments, and their ultimate victory. Through the power of their personal letters and diaries, over one hundred voices tell their stories from beyond the grave. In addition to these moving first-hand accounts, the troopers, their relatives at home, and some of the commanders relate their experiences in a composite journal. It is the author's intent to have the Sixth Ohio troopers tell their own story at or near the time that they experienced it. Four appendices provide additional data: battles and skirmishes, the names of the wounded and captured, the Roll of Honor, and the Sixth Ohio Cavalry roster. An index, seventeen maps, ninety photographs, ten Harper's Weekly illustrations, a post-war epilog, and a bibliography enhance the text. Paper, index, 2 vols, 1038 pp. Order from Heritage Books
The Struggle for the Life of the Republic: A Civil War Narrative by Brevet Major Charles Dana Miller 76th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Edited by Stewart Bennett and Barbara Tillery. Although a successful businessman in Newark, Ohio, prior to the Civil War, Charles Dana Miller understood the necessity of leaving his business and his home to take part in the "struggle for the life of the republic." Miller served as the regimental adjutant and rose in rank to captain. His experiences in the western theater are accurately and vividly detailed as he describes the hardships and routines of camp life and the battles from Fort Donelson to Jonesboro, providing political insights into the events of the times. The narrative includes descriptions and impressions of U.S. Grant and William T. Sherman and detailed accounts of the Ohio 76th Volunteer Infantry and the Army of the Tennessee's movements. This postwar memoir provides a rare firsthand account of the Battle of Arkansas Post, an obscure engagement with very little documentation from the perspective of an officer. Miller's flair for writing and attention to detail make this memoir an important addition to Civil War history and a welcome primary source of knowledge on the war's western theater. Hardcover 6" by 9" format, 224 pages, 8 photographs, 2 maps, 2 appendixes, bibliography, index and notes. Order from Kent State University Press
Yankee Tigers II: Civil War Field Correspondence from the Tiger Regiment of Ohio
Edited by Richard A. Baumgartner. The 125th Ohio was among the most celebrated fighting regiments raised in the Buckeye State during the Civil War. It earned the nickname "Ohio Tigers" in the bloody battle of Chickamauga, and solidified its reputation in the war's western theater at Missionary Ridge, Dandridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Kennesaw Mountain (where the 125th lost nearly a quarter of its effective strength), Peachtree Creek, Jonesboro, Franklin and Nashville. A compilation of letters written by nine different regimental members, Yankee Tigers II is illustrated with 57 photographs (many never before published). It is a companion piece to Yankee Tigers: Through the Civil War with the 125th Ohio, published by Blue Acorn Press in 1992. Softcover, 295 pages, 57 wartime photographs, notes, appendix, bibliography & index. Order from Blue Acorn Press
Guarding the Overland Trails: The Eleventh Ohio Cavalry in the Civil War
By Robert Huhn Jones. The 11th Ohio played a crucial role during the Civil War years on the overland roads. The first battalion sent to Fort Laramie in 1862 had not volunteered to serve out west, though those recruited in 1863 and 1864 knew they were destined for western duty. They were among the last volunteers raised from any state during the Civil War to be discharged in July 1866. The thunder of the greater war drowned out the violent and deadly war in the West along the overland roads. And it has continued to do so. While both the Civil War and nineteenth-century western history have provided fertile fields for historical investigation, few historians have focused on the plight of the overland roads during the Civil War or the impact of the war on the area they crossed. The 11th Ohio had enlisted to fight Confederates. Instead they fought Native Americans, escorted emigrants and mail, and operated, rebuilt, and restrung the telegraph. They built and rebuilt tiny stations and other posts along the roads, died in combat, and froze to death in winter storms. For the most part, these Ohioans were strung out along the roads in small detachments, seldom in company strength, and the regiment never served or fought as one. 368 pages, containing notes, statistics, bibliography, and index. Embellished with nineteen illustrations and six maps. Order from Arthur H. Clark Company
Buckeye Blood: Ohio at Gettysburg
By Richard A. Baumgartner. New Bicentennial commemorative book chronicles Ohio's participation at Gettysburg. "No one has previously attempted to explore in print the story of Ohio's long overlooked but important role in this tremendous battle," says author-historian Richard A. Baumgartner, whose new book Buckeye Blood: Ohio at Gettysburg is now available. "That story seems best told through the words and photographs of Buckeye soldiers who were there, and is especially appropriate in view of 2003 being Ohio's Bicentennial as well as Gettysburg's 140th battle anniversary year. Buckeye Blood should appeal to casual readers and the scholarly oriented alike," Baumgartner believes. "For 14 decades Gettysburg's battlefield has drawn millions of tourists and history students to it like a magnet. Parts of it were consecrated by the blood of hundreds of Ohioans, and their sacrifice finally is being paid detailed attention." Hardcover with dust jacket, 8-1/2" by 11" format, 254 pages, 244 photographs, engravings and maps, notes, bibliography and index. Order from Blue Acorn Press
To Battle for God and the Right:
The Civil War Letterbooks of Emerson Opdycke
Edited by Glenn V. Longacre and John E. Haas. Foreword by Peter Cozzens. Emerson Opdycke, a lieutenant with the 41st Ohio Infantry and later a commander of the 125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, played pivotal roles in some of the major battles of the western theater, including Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge. He won fame at the Battle of Franklin when his brigade saved the Union Army from defeat. Opdycke's wartime letters to his wife, Lucy, offer the immediacy of the action as it unfolded and provide a glimpse into the day-to-day life of a soldier. 352 pages. 16 photographs. Order from University of Illinois Press
A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Volume IV: The Life and Times of Colonel William Stedman of the 6th Ohio Cavalry
by Richard J. Staats. Stedman was a well-known abolitionist who was quite active in the Underground Railroad, and was president of the Western Anti-Slavery Society. He fought in many cavalry battles on the eastern front, and at one time he commanded a brigade of Union Cavalry. His service record was outstanding, and the official records of the war verify his bravery. He also served in the Ohio State Legislature. During the Civil War, the soldiers were free to write to their hometown newspapers, and in some cases their relatives and friends furnished the letters to the editors. A number of those letters appear in this work, to illustrate and fill in the narrative of the 6th Ohio's record under Stedman. Letters between the colonel and his family add warmth to the text. 416 pp., bibl., illus., maps, index, paperback. Order from Heritage Books Inc.
The Weary Boys
Colonel J. Warren Keifer and the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
by Thomas E. Pope. Using primary sources such as journals and letters, Pope reconsiders the men of the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and their contribution to the Army of the Potomac. Order from Kent State University Press
The Invincibles. The Story of the Fourth
Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry 1861-1865
by Nancy Pape-Findley. 416 pages. Hard-cover. Indexed. 41 maps and 230 photographs. Incorporates the original regimental history from 1912. Order from Blood Road Publishing
Burning Rails as We Pleased: The Civil War Letters of William Garrigues Bentley, 104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Men of the 9th Ohio. An Illustrated History of the 9th Ohio Independent Battery of Light Artillery
by Harold A. George. Civil War history 1861-1865; post war history 1866-1936; and reenactment history 1960 to present. 176 pgs. $10.00 plus $2.00 shipping. Order from the Author
Edited by Barbara Bentley Smith and Nina Bentley Baker. 238 pgs. Photographs, glossary, notes, bibliography, index, library binding. McFarland & Company, Inc. Jefferson. North Carolina. 2003. Amazon
Sacrifice at Chickamauga. A History of the 89th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment
by Bryan P. Weaver with H. Lee Fenner. This book is an attempt to portray the events of 1001 men from southwest Ohio during the Civil War. You will follow several soldiers of all ranks through the war in a day-by-day diary format. The relatively inexperienced regiment met its first combat in the infamous battle of Chickamauga - a Union defeat. In a cruel twist of fate, the 89th was abandoned on Horseshoe Ridge, where they fought valiantly until their ammunition was exhausted. Along with parts of three regiments, the 89th Ohio was captured. Very few escaped - only 75 men reported to duty the next day. After Chickamauga, the story takes two roads. One road was traveled by an augmented regiment that helped capture Atlanta, went with General Sherman to the sea, and eventually journeyed to Washington, DC, for the Grand Review. Those men captured at Chickamauga were sent down a heart breaking road to several Confederate prisons: Libby, Belle Isle, Salisbury and the notorious Andersonville prison. Order from The Authors
Too Young To Die: Boy Soldiers of the Union Army 1861 - 1865
By Dennis Keesee. Drawing on extensive primary research, Too Young to Die brings to life hundreds of the Union Army's most youthful soldiers in enlightening and vivid fashion. The author blends a wide range of narratives and anecdotes written by or about Union boy soldiers with 213 photographs and illustrations. Many of these images are published here for the first time. Ohio readers will find the book interesting as Keesee shares many fine images and stories concerning the Ohio boy soldiers. 295 pgs. Order from Blue Acorn Press
Headquarters in the Brush. Blazer's Independent Union Scouts
By Darl L. Stephenson. In the fall of 1863, Union Colonel Carr B. White formed a group of scouts and sharpshooters, headed by Capt. Richard Blazer of the 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, to fight the bushwhackers in the mountains of West Virginia. The unit was so successful that Gen. George Crook mounted the group in 1864 to combat rebel guerrillas, make deep raids, and act as the front and rear guard of the army, giving them the most dangerous of missions. In the Shenandoah Valley, General Philip Sheridan gave them the mandate to take on the renowned Confederate partisan John S. Mosby and his rangers. Equipped with advanced Spencer repeating rifles, they took the war to Mosby's Rangers as a regular cavalry could not do. Many soldiers from the following Ohio regiments were detailed to Blazer's Scouts: 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, 12th, 23rd, 34th, 36th, and 91st Ohio Infantries. 352 pgs. 70 illustrations. Ohio University Press. Order from Amazon.com
The Longest Raid of the Civil War
By Lester V. Horwitz. 456 pgs. "The Rebels are coming!" That was the cry in July 1863 when General John Hunt Morgan and his guerrilla force of 2,500 Confederate cavalry terrorized towns and farms in Ohio and Indiana. Best known as Morgan's Raid, it covered over 1,000 miles through Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. This is the true story about Morgan's most famous raid. Readers will ride along with the cavalry on this treacherous journey of high adventure. Many of these stories have never been published before about one of the South's most dashing, daring and dynamic cavalry leaders -- and the men who were willing to follow him into hell. After five years of writing and fifteen years of research, Lester Horwitz chronicles the first book-length account of this legendary raid in The Longest Raid of the Civil War. Order from Farmcourt Publishing
Major McKinley. William McKinley and the Civil War
By William H. Armstrong. 191 pgs. Major McKinley is the first complete account of the Civil War service of President William McKinley, the last of the Civil War veterans to reach the White House and the only one who served in the ranks. McKinley enlisted as a private in the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was the regiment's commissary sergeant when his bravery at the battle of Antietam led to a commission and an assignment to Rutherford B. Hayes military staff. This book presents a new picture of McKinley as a soldier and provides a fresh appreciation of his later life as a veteran in politics. Order from Kent State University Press
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