Sherman's Body Guard
Ohio, Civil War

compiled by Larry Stevens

Specific References for this Unit

Captain William McCrory Photo

Captain William McCrory
7th Indep. Co. O.V.S.S.
Web Copyright © 2000 Larry Stevens


Recruited in the summer and fall of 1862 as the 7th Independent Company Sharp-Shooters, it was mustered in on January 27, 1863. It was on duty as Sharp-Shooters under General Rosecrans and then General Thomas. The Captain of the Company, Watson C. Squire, led it at Chickamauga. Squire was promoted and Captain Wm. McCrory led at Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, and to the end of the war. During the Chattanooga siege it held a point along the Chattanooga River known as the Little Suck, and kept up a brisk sharp-shooter's duel with a similar Alabama Company. It finally drove the Rebels from that position. On the 20th of May, 1864, the Company was ordered to General William T. Sherman's Headquarters, where it remained on duty, as his Body-Guard, until the close of the war. It mustered out July 17, 1865.

More about the Civil War in Ohio.

Copyright © 1995 Larry Stevens

Last updated January 25 2000