Ohio Civil War Round Tables
Maintained by Larry Stevens
GAR Hall, ca 1900
Newark, OhioThe purpose of these organizations is to promote and to further stimulate interest in all aspects and phases of the Civil War period, and to further the serious discussion and study of the Civil War in a non-partisan fashion. Please send updates to the maintainer of this site. Larry Stevens
Ashtabula County CWRT
Dr. Richard Waters
73 West Jefferson Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
Central Ohio CWRT
Jamie Ryan
P.O. Box 471
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035-0471
Meets monthly in Westerville
Cincinnati CWRT
PO Box 621082
Cincinnati, OH 45262
Mike Rogers
Meets 3rd Thursday of the month
Cleveland CWRT
President, Cleveland Civil War Roundtable
P.O. Box 43280
Cleveland, Ohio 44143-0280
Columbus Barracks CWRT
John F. Young
182 Piedmont Road
Columbus, Ohio 43214-3812
Cuyahoga Valley CWRT
Tom Vince
P.O. Box 2254
Hudson, Ohio 44236-0854
Delaware County CWRT
George Freshwater
365 N. Washington St.
Delaware, OH 43015
Quincy Gillmore CWRT
Jim Jablonski
806 Sherwood Drive
Elyria, OH 44035
The 57th Ohio CWRT
Robert Tong
422 West Sandusky St.
Findlay, OH 45840
General Charles H. Grosvenor CWRT of Athens County
c/o Carl J. Denbow
P.O. Box 5714
Athens OH 45701-5714
Hamilton CWRT
Glenn Purdy
Program Chair
Holmes County CWRT
Forrest Chanay
1144 Bucy Drive
Killbuck, Ohio 44637
Johnson's Island CWRT
Gary and Jan Dundore
15 South Tecumseh Trail
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
James A. Garfield CWRT
Andrew Mizsak
254 Columbus Road
Bedford, Ohio 44146
Kent Civil War Society
P.O. Box 3671
Kent, OH 44240
Lake Erie Regimental CWRT
Frank H. Barlow
30764 Clarmont Road
Willowick, OH 44094
William T. Sherman CWRT
Sherman House Museum
137 E. Main St.
Lancaster, OH 43130
Mid-Ohio Valley CWRT
Meets the 3rd Thursday of odd numbered months at 7pm.
Meetings are held at Campus Martius Museum
601 Second St., Marietta OH 45750
740-373-3750Mahoning Valley CWRT
Hugh Earnhart
History Dept. YSU
Youngstown, OH 44555
Northeast Ohio CWRT
David J. Lintern
7117 Berkshire Hills Dr.
Kirtland, OH 44094
Ohio Valley CWRT
Lyle Zerla
101 Novak Dr.
Dillonvale, OH 43917
Phil Sheridan CWRT
P.O. Box 746
Somerset, OH 43783
Southeastern Ohio CWRT
Andrew Warhola, President
110 North Seventh Street
Cambridge, OH 43725
Stark County CWRT
Kathleen Seroteck
1616 Carnwise St. S.W.
Canton, OH 44706
Stillwater CWRT
Joe Bellas
Troy, OH
Tallmadge CW Society
Brian Jordan
713 Northeast Avenue
Tallmadge, OH 44278Greater Toledo CWRT
Kathy Jones, President
702 Bowman Street
Toledo, OH 43609-3344
meets monthly
Tuscarawas Valley CWRT
Dan Cooley
1121 Weinsz Dr.
Dover, OH 44622
Wayne County CWRT
Tyrone M. Turning
1062 Douglas Drive
Wooster, OH 44691
Western Ohio CWRT
Ike Coate
1901 Meadowview Dr.
Celina, OH 45822
Western Reserve CWRT
George Rolleston
226 Stanford Rd.
Berea, OH 44017
Zanesville CWRT
Bob Crowder
Meets 4th Monday of month
Civil War Round Table Associates
Little Rock, AR 72217
This association was run by the great Jerry Russell who campaigned
for Civil War battlefield preservation and CWRTs. Jerry died in 2003
and the association is now defunct. I leave this here in honor of his
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Copyright 2016- Larry Stevens