11th Ohio Cavalry
Rocky Mountain Cavalrycompiled by Larry Stevens
References for this Unit
- see also Bibliography of State-Wide References
- Ohio In The War-Volume II. Whitelaw Reid. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin. Cincinnati 1868
- National Tribune. A Tough Story. William H.H. Stone 11th O.V.C. March 24th, 1887. Morgan's Raid 1863
- National Tribune. 11th Ohio Cav. Hard Service on the Western Plains. George Slusser. 11th O.V.C. August 30th, 1888
- National Tribune. On the Plains, Scouting, Indian Fighting and Hunting. Charles A. Guider. 11th O.V.C. April 11th, 1889
- National Tribune. Out on the Plains. The Mud Springs and Rush Creek Affairs. George W. Nelson. 11th O.V.C. May 1st, 1890
- National Tribune. To Huntsville. The Startling News that Caused that Long, Hard March. George W. Nelson. 11th O.V.C. January 22nd, 1891
- Thomas L. Charles. Co. E. 11th Ohio Cavalry. pgs. 126-128 and 130. Deeds of Valor Volume II. Perien-Keydel Co. Detroit. Michigan. 1907
- National Tribune. Moonlight at the Bridge. George W. McGillen. 11th O.V.C. October 22nd, 1908. Platte Bridge
- National Tribune. Outwitting the Danites. An Adventure on the Western Plains Before the Days of the Railroad. George W. McGillen. February 10th, 1910
- National Tribune. The 11th Ohio Cavalry. P.W. Brown. 11th O.V.C. March 31st, 1910
- National Tribune. With Gen. Conner's Command. P.W. Brown. 11th O.V.C. June 9th, 1910
- National Tribune. The Hanging of the Sioux. Charles Bolton. 11th O.V.C. June 9th, 1910
- National Tribune. A Night with Indians. A Small Party Smoke the Pipe and Eat and Sleep with the Redskins. J. Fletcher Smith. 11th O.V.C. November 7th, 1912
- National Tribune. The First Rocky Mountain Cavalry. It was Merged into the 11th Ohio Cav. Edward F. Walker. 11th O.V.C. September 4th, 1913
- National Tribune. The 11th Ohio Cav. J. Fletcher Smith. 11th O.V.C. April 23rd, 1914
- Civil War Reminiscence Interestingly Told by C.W. Adams, Greenfield, Ohio. Charles W. Adams 27th OVI and 11th OVC. 20 pgs. NP. 1918. Pgs. 1-5 gives an account of the author's experiences in Missouri and Kansas with Co. H. 27th O.V.I., Wm. Sayers, Captain, [during 1861] Pgs. 6-20 gives an account of his experiences with the 11th Ohio Cavalry, on frontier duty, 1864-1866, including soldiering at Forts Laramie and Halleck. Locations: 1. Call # Vault F8341 A211c. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. Springfield, IL. 2. Call # Zc20 917ad. BEINECKE (Non-Circulating). Yale University Library. New Haven. Connecticut
- Rekindling Camp Fires: The Exploits of Ben Arnold (Connor) (Wa-si-cu Tam-a-he-ca): An Authentic Narrative of Sixty Years in the Old West as Indian Fighter, Gold Miner, Cowboy, Hunter and Army Scout. Lewis F. Crawford. Capital Book Co. Bismarck. North Dakota. 1926. 324 p. F596C892.l929. USAMHI. Carlisle Barracks. PA
- Caspar Collins, The Life and Exploits of an Indian Fighter. Agnes Spring. 187 pgs. Columbia University Press. New York. 1927
- The Founding of Fort Collins, United States Military Post. pgs. 47-55. The Colorado Magazine. Vol. 10. No. 2. March. 1933
- Soldiering on the High Plains, the Diary of Lewis B. Hull. 1864-1866. Lewis Byram Hull. 1841-1902. Edited by Mya E. Hull. pgs. 3-53. Kansas Historical Quarterly VII. 1938
- Fort Caspar. Platte Bridge Station. Comprising a Description of the Killing of Lieutenant Caspar W. Collins and the Massacre of Sergeant Amos J. Custard and Twenty-four of Their Comrades July 26th 1865. by Alfred James Mokler. 74 pages. The Prairie Publishing Company. Casper. Wyoming. 1939.
Reprinted by the Mountain States Lithographing Company. 1983- An Army Wife Comes West: Letters of Catherine Wever Collins (1863-1864). The Colorado Magazine. Vol. 31. No. 4. October. 1954
- The Battle of Platte Bridge. by J.W. Vaughn. 134 pgs. 8 full-page plates and 2 maps. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. Oklahoma. 1963
- In Pursuit of Quantril: An Enlisted Man's Response. Hervey Johnson. Edited by William E. Unrau. pgs. 379-391. Kansas Historical Quarterly. Vol. 39. August. 1973
- Tending the Talking Wire: A Buck Soldier's View of Indian Country, 1863-1866. Hervey Johnson. 11th O.V.C. 1839-1923. Edited by William E. Unrau. University of Utah Publications in the American West. V.12\12. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City c1979. Location: Call# JFE 84-3933. New York Public Library. New York, New York
- The Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry on the Central Plains, 1862-1866. David P. Robrock. Arizona and the West. 25. pp. 23-48. Spring 1983
- Unit Bibliography. U.S. Army Military History Institute. Carlisle Barracks. PA. 1995
- Lieutenant Casper Collins: Fighting the Odds at Platte Bridge. By Doris Soule. Wild West Magazine. Weider History Group Magazines. December. 1996
- A.G. Shaw Autobiography. Amberson Gary Shaw. Co. B. 11th OVC. Placed on the Web by Rich Shaw. 1998
- The Life and Letters of Caspar W. Collins. Alex Service. Mountain States Lithographing Company. 2000
- Frontier Artist and Soldier Caspar Collins. John F. Steinle. pgs. 2-13. Timeline. Vol. 21. No. 3. May-June. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio. 2004
- Guarding the Overland Trails. The Eleventh Ohio Cavalry in the Civil War. by Robert Huhn Jones. 368 pages. Notes, statistics, bibliography, index, nineteen illustrations and six maps. Arthur H. Clark Company. Spokane. Washington. 2005
- Fort Laramie and the 11th Ohio Volunteers. by ? In: Annals of Wyoming: The Wyoming History Journal. Vol. 80. Iss. 1. Winter. 2008. Cheyenne. WY
- Patrick Connor's War. The 1865 Powder River Indian Expedition. by David E. Wagner. 296 pgs. 24 illustrations. Hardcover. The Arthur H. Clark Company. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. Oklahoma. 2010. A fine book with a number of references to the 11th OVC. per Steve Ward
- The Boys of Company K: Ohio Cavalry Soldiers in the West During the Civil War. by Lee M. Cullimore. 336 pgs. Paperback. High Plains Press. Glendo. Wyoming. 2012
John Friend 11th O.V.C.
This Regiment was organized originally by Battalions, in connection with the 6th and 7th cavalry. The Battalion from the 7th was ordered to Missouri in the spring of 1862, and assigned to Indian warfare. It marched 700 miles in twenty-six days, to Fort Laramie, and went on severe duty in the mountains. In June and July another Battalion was organized, and the two denominated the 11th Ohio Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel Wm. O. Collins. The second Battalion served in the pursuit of John Hunt Morgan in Ohio, and then joined the First at Fort Laramie. The 11th Cavalry was the only Ohio organization in the Territories, and had 1,000 miles of country to picket. It had many battles with Indians and endured great privations, the severity of the winters freezing many men. The range of this Regiment embraced Nebraska, Dacotah, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, and it engaged the Snakes, Sioux, Cheyennes and other tribes of Indians. The 1st Battalion was mustered out April 1, 1865, and the remaining companies not until July, 1866.
From Dyer's Compendium
11th Regiment Cavalry. Organization commenced as 7th Ohio Cavalry October, 1861. Consolidated with 6th Cavalry as a Battalion of four complete Companies December 1, 1861. Duty at Camp Dennison, Ohio, till February, 1862. Ordered to St. Louis, Mo. Battalion permanently detached from 6th Cavalry, and designated 1st Independent Battalion Ohio Cavalry. Ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kans., April 4, 1862. March to Fort Laramie April 26-May 30. Assigned to duty along the North Platte and Sweetwater Rivers with headquarters at Pacific Springs, N. T., and the South Pass. Engaged in guarding Overland Mail routes across the plains from Julesburg to Green River, June, 1862, to July, 1866. Action at Upper Crossing, Sweetwater, N. T., November 24, 1862. Another Battalion organized at Camp Dennison and Camp Chase, Ohio, June 26 to July 31, 1863, assigned and designation changed to 11th Regiment Cavalry, July, 1863. Action at Platte River, N. T., April 17, 1863. Cheyenne Fork July 19, 1863, and July 19, 1864. Deer Creek, Telegraph Station July 26. Operations against Indians in Nebraska August 11 to November 28, 1864. La Bonte Creek, I. T., August 14, 1864. Operations on North Platte February 2-18, 1865. Mud Springs, N. T., February 5 to 9, 1865. Rush Creek February 8-9. La Prelle, I. T., February 12. Poison Creek, I. T., March 8. LaBonte Creek, I. T., March 28. Sage Creek Station, D. T., April 6. LaPrelle Creek, I. T., April 21. Marshall Camp, I, T., April 23. Scout from Fort Laramie to Wind River, N. T., May 3-21. Skirmish at Sweetwater Station May 26. Operations on Platte and Sweetwater Rivers May 26-June 9 (Detachment). Skirmish St. Mary's Station May 27 (Detachment). Skirmishes at Sweetwater Station, N. T., May 28 and June 1. Dry Creek, I. T., June 3. Skirmish at Sage Creek, D. T., June 8 (Detachment). Platte Bridge, D. T., July 26. Tongue River, D. T., August 29. North Platte, D. T., September 15. 1st Battalion mustered out April 1, 1865. Regiment mustered out July 14, 1866. Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 20 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 60 Enlisted men by disease. Total 84.
Thanks to Dr. Richard A. Sauers for the initial research and indexing of the National Tribune articles.
More about the Civil War in Ohio.
Copyright © 1995 Larry Stevens
Last updated March 29 2012