146th Ohio Infantry

compiled by Larry Stevens

References for this Unit


Mustered in at Camp Dennison, May 12th, 1864, 882 men, Colonel Harvey Crampton; On May 17th the Ohio National Guard unit moved for Charleston, West Virginia; May 22d placed on garrison duty at Fayetteville, West Virginia, remaining there until ordered to report to Camp Piatt for transportation to Ohio; mustered out at Camp Dennison, September 7th, 882 men, Colonel Crampton commanding. Companies were detailed to guard 300 prisoners to Camp Chase in May-June.

From: The Military History of Ohio. by H.H. Hardesty

From Dyer's Compendium

146th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, and mustered in May 12, 1864. Left State for Charleston, W. Va., May 17; thence moved to Fayetteville, W. Va., and garrison duty there till August 27. (Cos. "A" and "H" detached at Camp Chase, Ohio, to guard prisoners.) Moved to Camp Piatt, W. Va., August 27; thence to Camp Dennison, Ohio, and mustered out September 7, 1864. Lost during service 8 Enlisted men by disease.

More about the Civil War in Ohio.

Copyright © 1995 Larry Stevens

Last updated September 9 2008